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I’m a Bal-A-Vis-X practitioner/trainer, and an educator with about 25 years of experience in both general and special education. In my private Bal-A-Vis-X studio, I teach Bal-A-Vis-X exercises to both children and adults with varying degrees of social and cognitive challenges. I am sanctioned by Bill Hubert, BAVX founder, to provide both on-site training and virtual coaching.


During the school year, I am the Regulation Coach at Faris Elementary in Hutchinson, KS.  Most recently I have joined the team at the Trauma Informed Educators Network as a part-time consultant.  Find more information on TIEN here .

My interest in Bal-A-Vis-X began many years ago as I navigated teaching general education students and parenting a child with a disability. Eventually, I decided that my true calling was special education and spent the next 6 years implementing BAVX with my students.

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